One of the biggest problems with legal decisions, including Supreme Court decisions, is that legal wranglings and minutia often override common sense and rationality and the law of unintended consequences often comes into play. The Democrats are absolutely determined to limit or do away with firearms in society, that much is known. American citizens have shown that they are determined to protect their 2nd Amendment rights, and so the Left must find other ways to take away the right to own a gun, and as often as not, that is accomplished by contriving some legal excuse to disarm Americans.
In the recent ruling of Voisine v. the United States, a surprising and outrageous decision was made that would prohibit citizens from owning a gun for the rest of their life if they have a minor car accident while texting that results in a minor injury to their spouse or child. Surely this is a nonsensical and unintended reading of the law, and yet it accomplishes exactly what Democrats want, which is the disarming of as many citizens as possible.
Read the Supreme Court decision on page 2:
Supreme CANNOT MAKE LAW or change it….
Do not comply
2 amendment the right of the people to overthrow a corrupt gov
Only if the people vote to change it
They are full of thems÷lves
Makes absolutely no sense at all.To take someone’s gun rights because they got into an accident while texting and injuring a child in the car???…how they put the two together makes no sense…
I wonder where these traitors will go when people start chasing them down in the streets?
Regardless of what the supreme court decision was, there’s no way in hell that Americans will give up their guns. Not only that some states will not inforce very strict gun control laws. We all know those in power are above the laws including those that support all the corruption that exists. This election will determine our very future so we better get it right! Anyone who thinks our constitution still exists is a fool or they contributed to it’s destruction.
I’m in Michigan. The link works but on the page the links for the different chapters all take me to pages that have been removed. Time for more research
They don’t speak for me!!!!