The World Health Organization claims that sausages, bacon and ham could pose as big a cancer risk as cigarettes. As far as most scientists can tell, nobody has ever died from eating too much bacon, and they’re making their opinions known on the subject. Many scientists are expressing their concerns for the fact that the WHO is adding processed meats to its ‘encyclopedia of carcinogens’. This could potentially lead to new government regulations and the demand for warning labels on packs of meat.
Read more about these “carcinogens” on the next page.
Who is the WHO? As far as I’m concerned, they are liberals that work for BHO, and are made to give out false information, to scare and manipulate the American people. Throughout the history of this nation people have eaten all kinds of food and not died, now we have people dying in droves. DO SOME MATH: The government tells the American people that an average of 3000 people die A DAY from smoking. At that rate, this country should have been depopulated years ago. Same for Alcohol, drugs, shootings, stabbings and a host of other things. The United States of America should no longer exist and should have no one left. In fact this wholel planet should be devoid of all people, and animals from all accounts from out government officials. I’ve done the math, and it bears withness to what I’m saying. I think the government is having the WHO inject our foodos with chemicals to make this death toll happen, slow but sure.
Eat more pork , and steak and chicken, and rabbit and maybe a possum or two !!!
Walking out on the street pose a health risk,drinking,being homeless does but is anyone helping get the homeless a safe place to live winter is coming.
Maybe we should start putting a little pig fat in everything we produce. Thus the muslims couldn’t eat anything here!
and will keep the Muslims out.
who are telling these lies
never trust the american scientist now a days they dont do ofr the people of america they do only what the govnorment wants them to do
W.H.O. is a bunch of IDIOTS.. Processed meats, no matter what animal were given steroids,antibiotics,growth hormones and no telling what else. This is before those animals are killed for human consumption.. After that, these animals are treated with different chemicals to preserve the meat..So the companies raising and processing are causing the problems.. What the hell is wrong?? Politician’s pockets are lined by special interest groups and these companies and are allowed to do this to the meat before and after..SO SAD and SO WRONG….
Every person whose living and breathing has the risk of getting cancer. Only the dead are exempt from that!
Most of us have grown up on PIGS, and we are still alive. I think every home in the USA should have pigs to raise. I think every Taxi should have a dog for protection well really a muslim will not travel in any car, bus train or air plane if there is a dog on board. That is why it costs so much when they go on vacation, they have to use 2 jets!!!