Scientists Refute WHO Claims Against Red Meat

This is happening despite studies revealing that equivalent numbers of bowel cancer have been found in both meat-eaters and vegetarians. Professor Richard Knox, formerly of the Institute of Cancer Research has said that most cancer deaths will not be a result of bowel cancer and even fewer will be because of meat consumption.

Professor Robert Prickard, Emeritus Professor of Neurobiology at Cardiff University, said:

“Avoiding red meat in the diet is not a protective strategy against cancer. The top priorities for cancer prevention remain smoking cessation, maintenance of normal body weight and avoidance of high alcohol intakes.

He added that a study of 60,000 Britons last year found equivalent levels of bowel cancer in meat eaters and vegetarians.

“Choosing a meat-free diet is a lifestyle choice – it is not vital for health. For the majority of people who currently eat the recommended dietary levels of red meat, which is 70g per day and wish to continue doing so, moderate amounts of red meat can be enjoyed within a healthy balanced diet.”

Dr Elizabeth Lund, an independent consultant in nutritional and gastrointestinal health and former researcher said:

“This is not a surprising outcome but needs to be put in perspective. Very few people in Europe eat sufficient meat to fall into the high meat consumption category.”

The WHO is due to classify meat as a carcinogen on Monday, despite not releasing any of the research or statistics that helped the decision to be made. Next, you’ll have to be eighteen to purchase meat and you’ll be watching commercials of alleged victims of this “carcinogen”.





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