“Let there be light and fireworks when human life begins,” said God. Scientists have been able to show for the first time that when a sperm meets an egg, an explosion of “tiny sparks erupt from the egg at the exact moment of conception.”
This new breakthrough could change the narrative as to when life begins and remove the monopoly of rhetoric that the abortion industry has had over when life begins.
Embryology has long stated when life begins, but abortion advocates cannot concede this, as it turns them into life taking monsters at every stage of development. Feminazi’s like Melissa Harris-Perry believes she is the life-sayer claiming, “whenever you feel like it does.” This is science at its finest, with Harris-Perry as the spokeswoman for women.
Then we have our dithering president who said that the question of when life begins is “above his pay grade”. Well, he can now view a fascinating video and be informed like the rest of his underpaid American constituents.
Sadly, the science behind this amazing discovery is not to bolster when life begins, but rather to determine which life has more value.
Read more on the next page.
Boom alive he knew us from the womb
Marcia Clarke You’re probably correct. Every murderer has their own personal reasons for murdering someone else. I was a bit presumptuous with my remarks. Thank you for pointing that out. So to add to the pregnancy and the baby being a burden and inconvenience to the murderous mother what else could you come up with as the rational for murdering your own child? I’d love to hear you justify murder. I’m sure others would as well.
Hey-I won the first race I was ever in! 😉
Let there be light, and it was so
evolution explains this as ??????
How nice. When holy-than-thou so-call christians can coherce other to the same b******t they peddle, they will twist facts around to fit their b******t. give it a rest. still no more than a cell that might not even reach the uterus to come out the vigina.
It’s interesting!
Murder plain and simple
Ant Card I’m with you 100%! Marcia, unfortunately, its hard to believe but it is true. Many would rather murder a child than take on the responsibility of being a parent. They know it is murder, but they fall into society’s narrative of it being a medical procedure to attempt to make themselves feel justified.