It would be wonderful to see an organization such as “Billionaires for Life” with members using a portion of their immense wealth to improve the human condition worldwide. Sadly, such an organization doesn’t exist. Instead, we get people like George Soros and Bill Gates who fund organizations and causes that treat life as cheap, a nuisance, or as something that must be subordinated to their goals of global governance and de-population.
Not content just to use vaccines in his population reduction efforts, he has turned to genetically modified bananas. The idea of bananas in particular as a tool for population control can almost sound amusing, like the intro to a joke, but this is deadly serious. More on page two.
Hey idiots! Bill Gates has already saved more lives than everyone reading this sight combined ever will. As we speak, he is ridding the world of polio. His foundation works ceaselessly to prevent the spread of diseases world-wide by offering vaccinations and other programs to mitigate the social cost. He has vowed to give away 99% of his wealth by the time he dies and most of that money is going to help people in the developing world. But then again, this site thinks that vaccinations are a means of “population control” so it’s not like I expect the writers (let alone the hapless readers) to understand these issues.
I believe bill Gates should retire or stick with computer programming.
Amen. Hoai Huynh
So your sources are Natural News and a two year old Info wars video? You should really rethink the whole “truth” part of your page. BTW, why are all articles a two page thing with the end of the first page saying “click to learn more”?
Hmm mm 175 top scientists, doctor’s, researcher’s dead in 2 yrs.? Is Gates a doctor, or working for the pharmaceutical industry?
Bill Gates is another liberal nutjob, who considers himself as part of the ruling class, and the rest of us as peasants!
Find this POS
He is evil
Gates and Evil Soros live in a rich mans fantasy world. To them the rest of us are not important to them. Elitist lunatics too much money and time. VOTE TRUMP!