It would be wonderful to see an organization such as “Billionaires for Life” with members using a portion of their immense wealth to improve the human condition worldwide. Sadly, such an organization doesn’t exist. Instead, we get people like George Soros and Bill Gates who fund organizations and causes that treat life as cheap, a nuisance, or as something that must be subordinated to their goals of global governance and de-population.
Not content just to use vaccines in his population reduction efforts, he has turned to genetically modified bananas. The idea of bananas in particular as a tool for population control can almost sound amusing, like the intro to a joke, but this is deadly serious. More on page two.
he wants us all dead
Sounds like a case of lead poisoning. I guess too much lead paint growing up.
Let’s get rid of this moronic leftist Wanker 1st and go from there!!
Bill Gates of hell .
Suck a little pecker breath!
this happen after the secon wrold war,genetically modified,childern,us goverment try this it came under the n;s;s; program, code name 7 u won’t find anything about it because it was not made avaliable to most americans,was made from brith not to reproduce,alternation of brain cell’s special treatment was conducted to age of twelve,programed top of the class in underlartral wepons systems,know how to up date ,and to protect the us goverment if taken over by unfriendly foe’s a sleeper cell so to speak,only three are still alive all others died over the years.
Please start with the brainless liberals… Tell them it is an honor, and they will be lining up like the sheep that they are…