When you ask cat owners to describe their pets, most will say that they’re cute, fluffy, they have adorable personalities, or some combination of the above mentioned.
Few will tell you that their cat has been plotting how best to kill and eat them. However, a new study carried out between the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo compared domestic cats to their wilder relatives. Using the snow leopard, Scottish wildcat and the African lion, researchers found that they share aggression and neurotic behavior with domestic house cats.
Read more about their findings on the next page.
I will still take a cat over a dog anyday.
Kak storie man……
Our taxes go to help support stupid things like this????
Grow up
I always knew scientists were MAD!
Danielle Klein we got to watch out for tom now lol
My cat LOVES me……until today, and he may start plotting my demise! He is not happy…..he has ran out of his favorite cat food, and is being “forced” to eat catfood he USED to love! he is sitting here giving me the evil-eye as we speak!