When you ask cat owners to describe their pets, most will say that they’re cute, fluffy, they have adorable personalities, or some combination of the above mentioned.
Few will tell you that their cat has been plotting how best to kill and eat them. However, a new study carried out between the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo compared domestic cats to their wilder relatives. Using the snow leopard, Scottish wildcat and the African lion, researchers found that they share aggression and neurotic behavior with domestic house cats.
Read more about their findings on the next page.
People thus we have articles like this , by people who know why ,just fear cats .
Did you hear about the elderly lady. Making purse out of cats. After nineteen, missing, the police put her in custody in old folks home. They are having a hard time believing nineteen cats just died. Lol
Tori Loveland
Cats OFTEN stalk us.
Savannah Cheek Rachel Lynette McCamey
I have no doubt about this. I have several cats, and none of them is REALLY your friend, even if they purr and rub on you and APPEAR friendly. Just like a lot of humans. Mostly women. There are a minority of them that actually are your best friend. Good luck on having that one. (I’m talking about the cats on this last statement.)
Morgan Meeks,Beth Freeman,Martha Bryant Smith you lady’s are breeding killer’s~~~ 🙂
They must be the liberal cats!!!!!
Another ignorant libtard scientist . No the scientist are getting there formulas mixed up with the governments agenda…to kill us !!!
So a cat is like Stewie ….?