With everyone in the medical community making their assumptions that many elderly patients are generally illiterate when it comes to staying up on the news of the day, as well as being quite incapable of using a computer, a smartphone, or the internet, they tend to prey on those in these demographics by playing to their “old-fashioned” beliefs that the doctor is always right.
The elderly are particularly (and sometimes aggressively or even dismissively) pushed into accepting vaccinations that will cause any number of side effects and symptoms, for which they would otherwise be immune. It’s a dastardly practice that assumes that many in this demographic will do nothing legally to hold them accountable and, therefore, will take the vaccination, recover from the illness or side effect, and attribute it to the weather or some other reason.
Meanwhile, the medical facility has made its money…
As this Natural News article documents, flu shot side effects include:
Eye pain and chest pain
Dizziness, tremors and losing consciousness (syncope)
Convulsions and seizures
Gullain-Barre Syndrome
Cranial nerve paralysis or limb paralysis
Swelling of the brain
Partial facial paralysisFinally, this flu shot even warns that you should never give it to anyone who has previously had a different flu shot, even in previous years:
Do not administer Flulaval to anyone… following previous administration of any influenza vaccine.
The science paper mentioned above is just the latest example of real science exposing the quackery and fraud of flu shot vaccines, which still contain toxic mercury — a brain-damaging neurotoxin — in the form of thimerosal, a toxic preservative. The fact that flu shots containing mercury are still administered to children and expectant mothers across America is an indictment of the wholesale dishonesty and abandonment of medical ethics practiced by the failed medical system in America today.
Now, thanks to real science that’s finally emerging, we know why flu shots don’t work. In fact, the scientists studying why they don’t work are now openly admitting the fact that they don’t work!
The admission by Scripps is important for a number of reasons. Too many people, many who are Christians, believe that just because we are being told to do something, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for us. For too long, Americans have had ingrained in them the belief that the FNIC was to be trusted. In 2017, that antiquated belief is about as far from the truth as possible. We now are treated on a daily basis to a barrage of insults and disgusting displays of bigotry, religious, racial, and otherwise, by a people who insist that we are the intolerant.
A disgusting example of fear-mongering by the Left, Mike Luckovich despises Right wingers even more than he despises Trump
Vaccinations are just one more way to infiltrate our lives with an influence for which we know nothing, can never test its contents ourselves, and must, by virtue of the science, take their word for its effects. I am one person who is not willing to risk that kind of trust in the monsters that are hiding in the closet of the science community and are being manipulated by the US government.
I wonder, will vaccine zealots now call the Public Library of Science a “conspiracy publication” because they published a science article that explored the riddle of why flu vaccines fail so often? I’ve been warning you for over a decade that flu shots don’t work. Now, it seems, my warning has become a published conclusion in the scientific record.
The fact that flu shots don’t work is so widely known in the scientific research community that the idea itself isn’t even controversial. This study, after all, didn’t even need to determine whether or not flu shots actually work… it’s a given that they don’t work… rather, the study sought to determine the reason why flu shots don’t work.
That’s why any person who claims flu shots always work is either dishonest, scientifically illiterate, or wildly uninformed.
Source: Natural News
Vaccines are designed to destroy health, they are the Bedrock of the Medical Industrial Complex.
Climate scientists invented it. More f**e results.
I’ve never had a flu shot and never will.