The Democrat false narrative of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia keeps pushing Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer further into a fantasy world.
Appearing yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with rabid anti-Trump host Jake Tapper, Schumer affirmed he supports a proposal by fellow Democrat Senator Mark Warner to block confirmation of the next FBI director until a special prosecutor is appointed to look into allegations of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign.
Learn why Schumer and Warner’s tactical maneuver is a non-starter because of Senate rules and lack of Republican support on the next page.
Trump Russian story is a nothing story. Impeach Schumer and all the other lying Democrats. Boycott the alt left lying channels, do not watch that smut. Tired of the smear of the dirty Democrats. If anyone has any dirt it is them. This is why they are fighting so hard against our POTUS because he will see all the corruption of Obama and company.
When are you guys gonna BRING HILLARY TO TRIAL????
Based on what? What evidence? What facts? Where were you during Hillary’s investigation? Did not hear call for special prosecutor. Why Not? Are you a HYPOCRITE? No one is listening to you.
Dems haven’t and aren’t going to participate in this government, only obstruct
How many times do these liberals need to be told there was no collusion with Russia! I am sick to death of this from those idiot democraps! They make me sick!!!!! Every time they open their mouth it is the same old thing! Please get over it already!!!
Go to hell schmuck!!!
^^^^^^ Exactly!!! I say Go TRUMP,drain that corrupt swamp!!!!
Um, sorry, you can’t.
This Yahoo needs to be retired……
You are are terrorist to our country