The Democrat false narrative of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia keeps pushing Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer further into a fantasy world.
Appearing yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with rabid anti-Trump host Jake Tapper, Schumer affirmed he supports a proposal by fellow Democrat Senator Mark Warner to block confirmation of the next FBI director until a special prosecutor is appointed to look into allegations of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign.
Learn why Schumer and Warner’s tactical maneuver is a non-starter because of Senate rules and lack of Republican support on the next page.
You get more & more disgusting!
Dear Chuckie if you want to appoint a special prosecutor to find nothing please investigate who and why Justice Scalia died from mysterious causes. I would be very interested in the answer.
Oh$#%&!@*chuckie go lay down somewhere
You don’t get a special prosecutor for Trump until we republicans get one for Obama ,Hillary ,Lerner,Holder,Lynch and you ,you wise$#%&!@*
Chuck should resign, by saying the old lie that he needs to spend more time with his family!
Schumer is getting in the way of Justice.
Chuckie and the rest of the dems should remember how quickly you can go from being the hunter to suddenly becoming the hunted. We grow weary of their weak attempts to undermine the electoral system and their refusal to accept that they lost. Start accepting the reality of the truth or start watching your backs. Your choice.
Blackmail! Ignore the lawbreaker! There has to be a crime for a prosecutor and try as you might, you have NO evidence. Shut up and go away.