The Democrat false narrative of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia keeps pushing Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer further into a fantasy world.
Appearing yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with rabid anti-Trump host Jake Tapper, Schumer affirmed he supports a proposal by fellow Democrat Senator Mark Warner to block confirmation of the next FBI director until a special prosecutor is appointed to look into allegations of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign.
Learn why Schumer and Warner’s tactical maneuver is a non-starter because of Senate rules and lack of Republican support on the next page.
Can’t he die from the same way our Supreme Court justice did and have a fast creamation
you support blocking everything the president does
Hes so stupid
just another POS that needs to be run out of MY COUNTRY
Your just scared they will find out how corrupt your stupid$#%&!@*is
I support a complete investigation of Chuck Schumer from the first step into politics til present!! This guy carries so much garbage in New York you could fill a dump truck!! Might just as well open investigations on all the rest of the Dems who won’t vote for any bills or changes!! Bet that would raise a few eyebrows!!
……….M. Palumbo
You were elected to serve this country, why not try that for a change, you might earn some trust for your party.
Nobody hears you anymore