As if militarizing local law enforcement and non-security based federal agencies weren’t enough, now school districts are being built up like the military force as well.
Schools in Texas and California are arming their police with military equipment and high powered arms, vehicles and ammo.
Click the link below for more information + video:
ya we sure need this thing…..what ever it is,,?????
Because Obama and the Islamic’s want to take over this country!
Maybe cause the damn broader is opened up and Isis is coming!
but the pentagon wants Sherrif Joe in Arizona to return everything because he has called out obumer. obumer is using the feds to go after the people who dont agree with him which is treason!!!!!!
b.HUSSEIN o. is trying to build “his own army” because he knows NO ONE IN THE UNITED STATES OR THE WORLD is falling for, or believing his DANGEROUS, IDIOTIC B.S. anymore! He wants to be able to declare “martial law” (it won’t be legal just like anything he has done or said is NOT legal as he is NOT A LEGAL SITTING PRESIDENT!) and use LAW ENFORCEMENT, DHS, DOJ, SCHOOL POLICE…..WHOEVER HE CAN FORCE TO DO HIS BIDDING so he can continue his “RULE” AND DESTRUCTION OF OUR GREAT AMERICA! He’s even TAKEN BACK the weapons of war he gave the NATIONAL GUARD BECAUSE HE KNOWS THE GREAT STATES IN OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE ON TO HIM AND HIS AWFUL, TERRORIST PLANS! TO PRISON WITH b.HUSSEIN o. and LET’S UNSHACKLE THE EMPLOYEES WHO NEED THEIR JOBS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, SCHOOL POLICE, ETC.! They are NOT pawns for b.HUSSEIN o. to USE AS HE PLEASES!!
dictator o has implemented his plans, just waiting for the ‘key’ to unlock the door.
Better Start Arming Yourselves Now Before It’s Too Late.
Police ready for martial law.
this is treason