A school in New Zealand is set to microchip students in order to track their behavior to identify those who act ‘good’, giving them an award based on a point system.
There are certainly parents who don’t like the idea, including Emma Goodin, who said she did not want her 2 children “treated like grocery items or criminals”.
Not today or tomorrow
The NWO is getting people use to the idea of the RFID chip so that soon they can chip everyone. Once they have us chipped they will have complete control over our lives as their slaves. Most people’s IQ’s are just too low to figure all of this out.
Not my kid no chip for them or me
Home school ppl…. home school
not a chance or someone will die
No right
No way that is wrong ….teach them about God this never happened when god was in the school system …and our for fathers warned us about this happing
Not mine
no fn way
Not happening.