A Delaware high school student decided to “sit out” the Pledge of Allegiance, and alleged that his teacher reprimanded him that sitting out was not an option. The American Humanist Association (AHA) stated the student contacted them to represent him and his rights. The AHA immediately contacted the school, sending legal precedence with a demand the school follow this law.
should students be able to sit out the pledge? next page
You know where you can stick this so called law ????? These atheists have no right or business making demands in this country. Go find an atheist country to live in and stay there.
When is the House of Representatives going to grow a pair and put a stop to this Obama b******* are you did that much of a f****** coward if you are for god sake please stand down so someone in there with a f****** backbone can straighten this s*** out
go live somewhere else
As far as I recall, it has always been optional.
You nailed it. That is exactly what I was going to say. Thank you
Pledge to the union or leave this country
You should be flying your state flag
Shut the school down parents
If you don’t like ourPledge of Alleggggggggiance MOVE.
Who is making these laws? Get rid of them first and then repeal the law. A single bullet would do the job.