A Delaware high school student decided to “sit out” the Pledge of Allegiance, and alleged that his teacher reprimanded him that sitting out was not an option. The American Humanist Association (AHA) stated the student contacted them to represent him and his rights. The AHA immediately contacted the school, sending legal precedence with a demand the school follow this law.
should students be able to sit out the pledge? next page
Bobby Austin So what? Why would someone that has contempt for the govt want it teaching your children religion and morals? That is the job of the parents and or the church. Geez, you conservatives are pretty funny when it comes to this c**p.
I think it’s ridiculous people send their children to public school.
Odd, it was very little effort for me to articulate my disagreement with your poorly founded opinion. Interesting that when you obviously had no other method of pushing validity to your opinion you resort to attacking me personally, then compare me to a$#%&!@*following “hutler” (I believe you mean$#%&!@*.
Oh well. I am not insulted by your myopathy. The perception effort is a matter of opinion based on ones capabilities. If your capability is limited, it may appear it took far more effort for me to negate your opinion.
No pledge, no rights. No benefits, nothing!
stupid teachers and school staff traitors you should be ashame. If you don’t want to be an American then get out of our country. I sure any other country would disrespect you
Really pathetic and telling that you would focus on a grammar error as evidence of you being correct. Sad life indeed.
Our country is falling from within, just like Rome!
No, Jesse. I used your grammatical error as a side note to imply you are stupid. I clearly detailed out my argument. Your lack of comprehension is a you problem, not a me problem.
Sandra how can you possible “remove” a omnipotent god from a building. Prayer is all in your mind…so if you want to pray you can pray without anyone knowing about it or stopping you. Your god was never removed from schools…..the government just says that the school itself can’t endorse one over another.
This is something that the parents have a right to say something. It’s their kids. You need to protest your school board and stand at the front door of the mayor until he stops giving in. Why do people think that they can’t win this battle! Demand that things go your way