A Delaware high school student decided to “sit out” the Pledge of Allegiance, and alleged that his teacher reprimanded him that sitting out was not an option. The American Humanist Association (AHA) stated the student contacted them to represent him and his rights. The AHA immediately contacted the school, sending legal precedence with a demand the school follow this law.
should students be able to sit out the pledge? next page
I agree, Don. What is the point of someone saying the Pledge if he doesn’t mean it? God gave us free will to choose whether to follow Him or not; if people aren’t free to choose something, then the words don’t matter. I will always stand and pledge allegiance but what about Jehovah’s Witnesses who are not allowed to? I think everyone should, but we can’t legally force those who choose not to. If we did, this would be North Korea.
You would be surprised at how many can’t recite the pledge. The pledge is another way of teaching loyalty and respect. Very much lacking these days
Pledge should be said every day
So in one breath the fans of this page want to keep their guns to fight against a tyrannical government, and calling for another civil war…and in the next breath they demand blind loyalty by wanting to FORCE free citizens to pledge allegiance to the flag on a daily basis or they should be kicked out….
That’s not completely insane at all….
Insane,but this is the “yes we can” America so guess its normal ……..
Why would you force a kid to pledge allegiance to something if he/she doesn’t really mean it? Oh, and the whole God thing needs to be removed.
If you do not love this country, leave!!!!!!
No free country requires a pledge of allegiance. Also check the history. Pledge was invented by a 19th century socialist flag salesman as a gimmick to sell a flag to every classroom.
if they can’t pledge allegiance to the U,S. then they need to leave this wonderful country and go where they think their life will be better….good luck!