It turns out that high school kids like to have a choice in what food they eat. A Montana high school decided that they were tired of hemorrhaging money and dropped Michelle Obama’s disastrous health food program. Since the school dropped the program, sales have increased dramatically and the students are happy to stay on campus and eat their fill, as healthy teenagers should be encouraged to do.
Find out more about why this school decided to drop Michelle Obama’s food plan on page 2
Good. Certainly don’t need her input on anything.
FK u moooochelle, we don’t need a$#%&!@*married to an illegal surfer telling out kids what to eat.
It’s about time
Good. Eat what you want but exercise daily
Makes Sense
Michelle has no business interfering in parent/child relationships that includes what they eat. She’s a menace with an ego bigger than her butt and needs to stay out of politics, we have enough problems with her husband’s asinine exec orders.
Michelle the loser.
John Curtis Holmes