It turns out that high school kids like to have a choice in what food they eat. A Montana high school decided that they were tired of hemorrhaging money and dropped Michelle Obama’s disastrous health food program. Since the school dropped the program, sales have increased dramatically and the students are happy to stay on campus and eat their fill, as healthy teenagers should be encouraged to do.
Find out more about why this school decided to drop Michelle Obama’s food plan on page 2
She should keep her damn mouth shut, and thank goodness schools are telling her so
Omg, choice? What a concept. One our present administration doesn’t believe in, liberals want to control ever aspect of your life, what you eat, what you learn in school then put you in a little division of what you should think! Conservatives think you should do it on your own, make your own future!
Do you think.
Head Line From CNN ..Obozo tells Trump we don’t have time for Bigotry!.. really whats he been spreading exactly that for 8 years…? like those comments he made about the Bible&Gun crowd when he took office and has assailed Christians and grass roots Americans at every opportunitty.and threatening the English while they are getting ready for their biggest vote ever., what an ahol well that blew up in his face and it landed all over Hillary as well..remember this when you go to vote in in Nov he endorsed candidate Billary the butcher of Benghazi who will continue in the same vain..we cannot afford to continue down that path…Because at the end of the day folks that is not who we are…!
goddam drag queen
all schools need to do this!
She is a he
Mooochelle the damn idiots delight
kids actually throw everythig except desserts in garbage!!