It turns out that high school kids like to have a choice in what food they eat. A Montana high school decided that they were tired of hemorrhaging money and dropped Michelle Obama’s disastrous health food program. Since the school dropped the program, sales have increased dramatically and the students are happy to stay on campus and eat their fill, as healthy teenagers should be encouraged to do.
Find out more about why this school decided to drop Michelle Obama’s food plan on page 2
Watch The Grades Of.These Students Improve Simply For The Fact That Their Brains Actually Function Better If They:re NOT STARVING!!! Check It Out, ID Bet On It!!! Maybe That Was The Plan. They Want Us To All Be MINDLESS Sheep, maybe This Was An Experiment By This Foul Administration To Test.How Poorly Children Do.If Undernourished. Wouldn’t Surprise Me Any. PUT NOTHING PAST THESE ANIMALS.
No one wants her stupid meals . She thinks she knows more about raising kids then anyone . Give us all a break .
Transgender Michael in school???
Good for them.