References to Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanahhave been stricken from next year’s school calendar in Montgomery County, MD. This was in response to Muslim demands that the school district give equal treatment to the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha
This stripping of all religious holidays off the calendar wasn’t exactly what Saqib Ali, former Maryland state delegate and member of the Equality for Eid Coalition, had hoped for.
“By stripping the names Christmas, Easter, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, they have alienated other communities now, and we are no closer to equality,” stated Ali. “It’s a pretty drastic step, and they did it without any public notification.”
The Maryland school district appears to have been battling the Muslims in their efforts by taking this action.
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Run the muslims out of the country, they do not like our laws, let them return to the hell holes they came from, and enact the laws there that they like. I am tired of being told that we cannot celebrate Christmas because it is offensive to muslims, they can go to hell.
‘ F ” Muslim demands ,We are in Gods Country
Stand tall. Any sign of weakness, STRENGTHENS them.
No they should have told the Muslim pigs to go back where they came from if they don’t like it instead of trying to force there murderous religion on our youth muslims go home
Just more athiest immoral uneducated P>O>S.
Miriam the giving the Jewish kids and the Christian kids special privileges not the other way around the Muslim kids just want to be included by the way I am a Christian
They caved by doing that–removing all the Christian holidays from the calendar. Let them celebrate their holidays in their own country; or be quiet and let us celebrate ours.
They should be open to all religions – not just one alien Middle-Eastern cult.
remove the muslims problem solved
No, the school district did not! It kept Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter Monday as school holidays. It only removed the names from the school calendar. Note that in most Bible belt schools, either Good Friday or Easter Monday is not a day off.