References to Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanahhave been stricken from next year’s school calendar in Montgomery County, MD. This was in response to Muslim demands that the school district give equal treatment to the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha
This stripping of all religious holidays off the calendar wasn’t exactly what Saqib Ali, former Maryland state delegate and member of the Equality for Eid Coalition, had hoped for.
“By stripping the names Christmas, Easter, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, they have alienated other communities now, and we are no closer to equality,” stated Ali. “It’s a pretty drastic step, and they did it without any public notification.”
The Maryland school district appears to have been battling the Muslims in their efforts by taking this action.
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This should NOT happen, PERIOD. 🙁
No, I don’t think they should have done that!!!
No another thing the Muslim are getting away with. It’s wrong they come to our country and then want to change our beliefs our laws and our traditions.
Amen my friend
Maryland is commie, i was born there..such a shame….
this is OUR COUNTRYthey come here illegally and you all bow down to them what a disgrace
Muslims have no say whatsoever what does or does not get celebrated in this country or noted on a calendar. Just because you have a holiday, doesn’t mean the entire country has to celebrate it or make note of it. Get the hell out of our country, all of you self righteous Muslims. You don’t make the laws here, you follow them !!!
No way
Pull your children out of this school we dont bow down to any such nonsense in america we were here first go home to wherever you came from if you do not like it here
No. This is America.. They are the intruders. Don’t budge. Stand Strong. Fight for your rights.