References to Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanahhave been stricken from next year’s school calendar in Montgomery County, MD. This was in response to Muslim demands that the school district give equal treatment to the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha
This stripping of all religious holidays off the calendar wasn’t exactly what Saqib Ali, former Maryland state delegate and member of the Equality for Eid Coalition, had hoped for.
“By stripping the names Christmas, Easter, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, they have alienated other communities now, and we are no closer to equality,” stated Ali. “It’s a pretty drastic step, and they did it without any public notification.”
The Maryland school district appears to have been battling the Muslims in their efforts by taking this action.
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Hell no!!! Muslims need to show us tolerance and respect first. If they won’t we just can’t trust them, and we obviously shouldn’t trust them! GB, France, Israel and many other Countries have already proved that we can’t live together with their culture and it’s time to send them back to their homelands, on their dime.
stupid idiots, america! we are losing you to all that is evil… pledge of allegance….in God We Trust off our money….taking our holidays and special beliefs in our God away from us so we can acomidate yours…whose country is this!!!!!?????
this has to be STPOPPED!
Nope, borders language culture
I agree with Charity and Kenneth.
How is that coexist workin for Europe.
disgrace that they would take away from kids
Merry Christmas !
Shame on the so called Americans that caved.