While much of the Washington punditry wrings its hand over President Donald Trump’s tweets, they look the other way when Hollywood celebrities take to Twitter and use it to display their ignorance and contempt for average Americans.
A Twitter account provides a useful outlet in many respects, for those who wish to communicate with a broad audience and make their views well known.
But as seen with some leftists, it’s not always the smartest thing to do. Especially for actors, whose livelihood depends upon attracting as big an audience as possible to their particular television program or movie.
It’s hard to comprehend how insulting half your potential audience helps further your career. However, it does build your street cred with the other meatheads in Tinseltown and the Left Coast.
Learn how another television actor has responded to the president’s comments on North Korea, using profanity to make his point. It’s all detailed on the next page and show the futile effort by the Left to bring people around to their point of view.
Idiot !
Wow. No wonder you are an actor — really bad at writing your own lines!
This guy should just shut his$#%&!@*holster…
I’m one of the stupid c*cks and proud we might save this great country.
Shut up PANSY A$$ MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those of us who voted for Trump apparently are a lot smarter than you. We don’t have to resort to calling those of you who didn’t vote for Trump names. We already know that the intelligence level of those that voted for Hillary or whoever else they voted for Trump is quite low. On top of that there ethics and morals are questionable
How do you really feel?
let me help you on the reality of statistics;
According to a new Pew Research Center survey spanning 37 nations, a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. This stands in contrast to the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency, when a median of 64% expressed confidence in Trump’s predecessor to direct America’s role in the world
Who? and should I care?