While much of the Washington punditry wrings its hand over President Donald Trump’s tweets, they look the other way when Hollywood celebrities take to Twitter and use it to display their ignorance and contempt for average Americans.
A Twitter account provides a useful outlet in many respects, for those who wish to communicate with a broad audience and make their views well known.
But as seen with some leftists, it’s not always the smartest thing to do. Especially for actors, whose livelihood depends upon attracting as big an audience as possible to their particular television program or movie.
It’s hard to comprehend how insulting half your potential audience helps further your career. However, it does build your street cred with the other meatheads in Tinseltown and the Left Coast.
Learn how another television actor has responded to the president’s comments on North Korea, using profanity to make his point. It’s all detailed on the next page and show the futile effort by the Left to bring people around to their point of view.
They are only actors who read lines and don’t know what it really means,one jumps off a bridge the rest follow
You’d better take a good look in the mirror arshole!!!!
What an idiot.
Progressives/Socialists/Communists are Globalists and they ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity!
No I don’t cuz I know you are the stupid$#%&!@*you and all your mentally ill party. Fucktard
❤❤❤❤ teach these inbreds how to uninstall chromosome
Spoken like a true left wing$#%&!@*head. Why don’t you put your head up your$#%&!@*where it belong. Keep showing your ignorance and see how long you keep getting your paycheck.
You weren’t born out of women you where hatched out of Muslims$#%&!@*your a fuckin t**d
Disgusting! Can’t even express himself in plain English!