Constitutional giant Antonin Scalia has passed away this week, and while many immediately turned toward the prospects of his replacements, less interest has been placed on the great influence that we have lost.
As the court’s most devout defender of the constitution, Antonin’s passing may very well mark the passing of the Constitution’s role as the central document through which each decision must be weighed.
With Scalia’s death, the court has been turned over its now-liberal majority, and their belief that the constitution contains what they think it ought to contain, rather than what it actually says.
Scalia often proved this point with the cutting style for which he was well known. When confronted by people who morally oppose the judge’s decisions, Scalia would respond in a way that made clear the distinctions of want and constitutional need, “I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged,” he once said. He never did, however, make sexual orgies a legal requirement.
In his Obergefell v. Hodges dissent, he accused the liberal judges that made up the majority of not respecting that distinction, claiming their position lacked even the “thin veneer of law.”
The loss of Antonin Scalia further explains the tragic loss for constitutionalists across the country. Move on to the next page:
Tim Philpot, you one of those Gruber boys ain’t ya. thug.
No way. The court can not. They don’t have the authority legally.
No but we must be vigilant and not let the liberals take our Constitutional rights away.
This truth, emotionally difficult to accept, violates our conception of ourselves as a free, democratic people. It shatters our vision of ourselves as a nation embodying superior virtues and endowed with the responsibility to serve as a beacon of light to the world. It takes from us the “right” to impose our fictitious virtues on others by violence. It forces us into a new political radicalism. This truth reveals, incontrovertibly, that if real change is to be achieved, if our voices are to be heard, corporate systems of power have to be destroyed. This realization engenders an existential and political crisis. The inability to confront this crisis, to accept this truth, leaves us appealing to centers of power that will never respond and ensures we are crippled by self-delusion.
Many people, maybe even most people, will not wake up. Those rebels who rise up to try to wrest back power from despotic forces will endure not only the violence of the state, but the hatred and vigilante violence meted out by the self-deluded victims of exploitation. The systems of propaganda will relentlessly demonize those who resist.
This should not dissuade us from resisting, but the struggle will be long and difficult. Before it is over there will be blood in the streets.
Not without a civil war! It is our duty to over throw our government if thay go against the constitution it is written in the constitution because our forefathers new that one day the tyrants would try to distory pur great nation.
I’m with you on that!
He’s right we need to fight now how r we going to do something like this . That’s just it we can’t and they know it .
Not if the rep hold it off until a new president takes office..donot allow obama to replace this judge and donot cave rep
the constitution should locked nothing taken out or put in. nobody no governments or people can change anything on or in it.
We just need to guard our CONSTITUTION and quit listening to these LIBERALS and keep the Executive Branch to the simple things, the Judicial Branch as it should and the Legislative Branch as it is to keep things as they must & NOT let one man, in office or out of office influence a great system that is desired by 90% of the world due to the efficiency & status quo results …people need to quit trying to destroy a GREAT SYSTEM …this is a GREAT COUNTRY !!!