The next President has a chance to be in a unique position, that of being able to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice. With three SCOTUS member in their 70s and Ruth Bader Ginsberg in her 80s, it may not be long before another position or two in the Supreme Court may open.
In the event that the next President is a Democrat, we may find ourselves with a almost entirely liberal Supreme Court, rigged to deconstruct the rights inherent in the Constitution. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia thinks we’re already in the midst of a liberal degeneration of those rights right now.
Find out what Scalia had to say on page 2.
It is time to start impeaching members of the supream court.
Our democratic system was lost a very long time ago.
Lobbyists money buying career politicians has made the wishes of the voting public irrelevant.
These clowns are a joke ,job for life ,do nothing to correct the illeagle actions of politics ????
Why should the president of the United States get to stack the deck with Judges that favor his point of view? The American people should have a say in the Judges selected to the Supreme Court. Since their decisions affect Americans, we should have a say so! It’s not right that the president gets to side-step the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land for his political agenda. The Constitution is not Political and it should never be and anyone that see’s it as such, need to be removed from the bench.
This is already taxation without representation from the Obamacare ruling. the SCOTUS should have term limits as well as both houses of Congress. and as activist as they are, should be subject to elections by the U.S. citizens
I agree about everything Denice said
So what
SCOTUS should be elected by the people, with term limits.
Although, if you take a GOOD Look at those politicians who’ve already been in office for MORE than 12 years, that is a Clear Indication that We the People have been Negligent of our responsibility to the Republic 🙁