The next President has a chance to be in a unique position, that of being able to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice. With three SCOTUS member in their 70s and Ruth Bader Ginsberg in her 80s, it may not be long before another position or two in the Supreme Court may open.
In the event that the next President is a Democrat, we may find ourselves with a almost entirely liberal Supreme Court, rigged to deconstruct the rights inherent in the Constitution. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia thinks we’re already in the midst of a liberal degeneration of those rights right now.
Find out what Scalia had to say on page 2.
sold us out to islam
This is True Our Government and Nation is being ruled by men in black robes that aren’t elected but appointed
Stand with Rand 2016
Are they all Masons? They have evil attached to them..
When the wicked rule, the people mourn.
There Nazis
No state in this union has to obey the s.c.o.t.u.s. decision on gay marriage. The only branch of government that can make new law is the lesgislative branch. Not the exectuative nor the judicial. When a law is unjust, the people are obligated to disobey it.
So’s the Liberal POTUS!!!
They don’t care about the constitution. They only care about Supreme Leader.
Let’s hope all the Dirty Liberals Die in office