Best selling author and conservative American talk-radio host, Dr. Michael Savage, recently made a rather startling prediction that gang members would be deputized and armed across the country for the purpose of maintaining order on American streets during the upcoming race war.
In the video on page 2, Savage calls gang members a ‘natural army’ for Obama, who infamously stated at one time that “We’ve got have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
If it’s one campaign promise we expect Obama to fulfill it is certainly this one…so where is our new ‘civilian police force’ anyway?
Just 1 more thing to create his ability to activate martial law
No doubt. They are going to belong to His army…against law abiders
And here we sit with our finger up are $#%&!@* doing nothing
HAHAHAHA! This is the biggest piece of bull$#%&!@* I have ever read. You know he is almost out of office right? I’m sure the huge thing on his agenda is arming gang members who more than likely already have weapons. I can’t believe I liked this page, what a load of garbage.
they are armed already!
Good we need to take them out
I am not a fan of Obama nor Rahm Auerbach Emanuel. However you are really distorting this whole thing. Police are law enforcement and they enforce laws that suppress the nation as a whole. Rampant poverty for over 5 decades. Now free trade agreements causing more unemployment. Yeah there were criminal elements that helped create the riot. The initial problem is police brutality and out of control police misconduct. It is sad that news outlets like this one are just propaganda machines . This country was founded on violence and its cons$#%&!@*ution was racist from the beginning. As long as I can remember I had to hear racist comments and watch how racism was conducted against my own people by so many government policies and private citizens. Obama is a puppet for the billionaires . Sorry Nancy but either you are naive and brainwashed or perhaps prwjudice. Bush and Cheney did more harm to this nation for 8 years and unfortunately Obama has not rectified. Money for wars and bankers but not for the citizen children of this nation . For a real education and the ability to think for themselves. Yeah the Bloods and Crips are the results of Americas sins .
Are you serious? This is ridiculous! Anyone who believes this needs help.
hope he does….most blacks are in prison and the latins can kiss my $#%&!@*, we’ll wipe them all out