In the event one is planning on moving to Saudi Arabia, it would be prudent to learn how to properly beat one’s wife.
With careful instruction, Khaled Al-Saqaby, a Saudi family therapist provides advice on “marital strife”, saying wife-beating is “intended as a means of discipline, not to vent anger.”
As previously shared on Truth and Action, a husband may hit one’s wife, but not make her ugly, in order to prevent divorce. As this way of thinking is utterly foreign to the majority of civilized people, a refresher course in wife beating is in order.
If one is Muslim and having marital troubles, then look no further than the tips that a Palestinian leader
shares to deal with a “rocky marriage”. On Palestinian Authority TV, Hassan al-Laham, who is the legal expert of ‘mufti of Gaza’, was on television speaking on marriage. He certainly is no marriage and family counselor, and his advice shows depravity of thought when viewing women.
“If this fails to resolve the tensions, Laham advised the husband to take the next step – hitting, but ‘hitting that does not make her ugly.’
Speaking to the female TV host, he said: ‘In other words, not hitting that will bring the police, and break her hand and cause bleeding, or hitting that makes the face ugly.
‘The hitting is not meant to disfigure, harm or degrade. The hitting will be like a joke. He will hit her jokingly.’ He then repeated: ‘Not a blow that breaks a bone or makes the face ugly.
‘The hitting is a kind of reminder that the love and friendship that Allah commanded is still found between us [the couple].’”
A family therapist from Saudi Arabia, has brought his sage wisdom to the world, similar to that of Hassan al-Laham’s, on wife beating and the benefits therein.
View the video on the next page.
What the$#%&!@*can you get any more fucking stupid
The cross changed all that. That is legalism & life under the law. When the heart is changed so is how we feel about right or wrong.
And these r the camo jockeys the stupid snowflakes wont 2 let in
Ok Women’s Movement take it on
Bible more violent than the Koran. Read both. Don’t be afraid, it’s only a book. The New Testament has wacky stuff too. James 5:14. Pray not doctors when sick.
Corinthians 14:34, woman shall not talk in church.
Philemon 1:12, return runaway slaves back to their owner.
Mathew 5:29, if your eye-even your good eye-causes you to lust, gouge it out,and throw it away.
So using the Old Testament is bad, New Testament good. Doesn’t hold up in the scriptures themselves.
We need to pray for the Saudi women, no wife should allow this. I told my husband when we got married if he ever hit me I would take the cast iron skillet to him as soon as he went to sleep, never had a problem. I’m not advising women what to do, that was just what I told mine.
The muslims god just might turn out to be a woman. Really, I don’t believe they are worshipping God, otherwise they would know their wives are treasures, not the lowest form of animal to be beaten. It is a weak man that beats his wife.
Satans children
But the Bible has a lot of what would be coincided sexist and sadistic scriptures. So, why the hypocritical comment. Christians beat their wives too, bible says woman should stay quiet in church. There is only one God. And too many religions. Originized religion give spiritually a bad name.
get them a good beating !!!