Donald Trump is not a politician, and he doesn’t speak with the nuanced, veiled speech that politicians and diplomats are used to, so he certainly ruffles a lot of feathers. That could very well be part of his attraction to many American people who are tired of political leaders who say one thing and then do another. The assumption is that Donald Trump means what he says and intends on following through. It is one of the reasons why many political elites sneeringly refer to him as “only” a businessman.
Trump has an opinion on almost everything. Recently he was discussing Saudi Arabia, which is in serious trouble. Saudi Arabia is at least marginally one of our major allies in the Middle East. Now they are in serious trouble and looking for the United States to back them up.
However, over the last three decades, they have not been shy about taking the U.S. to the cleaners when it came to maintaining the OPEC oil cartel and extracting huge loads of dollars from the U.S. as we saw our own reserves dwindle. That has all changed as the fracking revolution has driven international oil prices down, and U.S. production up. Saudi Arabia is in a vulnerable position, and for some, perhaps even for Trump, it is pay back time.
Saudi Arabia on the ropes, page 2:
‘Everybody who would like to make a difference. ‘ call the Republican National Committee at 202-863-8500, fax your letter to 202-863-8820 or send an email to the Republican National Committee at [email protected]. Project professionalism and speak calmly -tell them exactly how you feel about they’re contested convention or brokered convention’ to push out Donald Trump! Rhino Socialism!!! Always look good as a Donald Trump supporter. Please call, fax, email the RNC and tell them you support Donald Trump! Let’s FLOOD them with calls!! Please feel free to copy, paste and share this information-America is tired of the crooks in the GOP!!!
So we have to talk a certain way to be a politician….Well, that’s exactly what’s wrong…They feel they are above everyone. Maybe that is why they don’t listen to the public who elected them. Get off your high horse….
The Saudis are not the best allies but if there are problems there that could have sever ramifications for the world.’
Right that is funny !
Some in their country helped with 9-11 and now they are funding ISIS. So the USA is now over there in bed with them !!
The Saudis have funded madrassas across the world that teach radical whabbi version of islam. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Educate yourselves about who is the enemy of America. Read Dr Peter Hammond’s book on the history of Islam. Historically, Muslims immigrate, infiltrate, procreate, dominate, subjugate, eliminate, but never assimilate. They wage jihad until the goal of the world wide caliphate is achieved. PERIOD. They are mandated by the Koran to lie, cheat, and deceive infidels until the goal is reached. First they claim victim status, acquire legal representation, demand special treatment and protection, suborn the culture of any host country foolish enough to accept them, soak up the resources of the host country, and when their numbers become greater than the host country, they enforce strict sharia law, and demand the jizyah tax if you want to live in your own country as a slave, or die. That’s it. Slave or dead. Also, they have killed more black people than any war, genocide, and slavery combined. In the name of ” diversity “, ” compassion “, and ” tolerance “, they will devour us.
Oh, and the dude Kerry is there to give them a hundred and fifty billion dollars. Ah so If the dude has that much money, he can give me a couple of billion.
How ironic that they talk of internal collapse of another country, but could give a c**p about our own crisis. We can’t pay the interest on our own budget, let alone some of the principal. Barack has pushed the US off the toilet and into the bowl. It’s time to take a stand people. Trump.
The Saudi’s are perverse!! They need to be brought down a notch or ten!! They have FLOURISHED in HUGE profits from oil sales hee in the US and it was CRIMINAL!! Pay back is a$#%&!@*! American money will NOT be used to help them EVER!!!r