Saudi Prince Abou Lbarae Kahtani is a pedophile and still they throw a party to celebrate his sick depravity that is upheld and encouraged by his religion. An innocent adorable girl of six, named Hind Nawaf was forced to marry the 51 year old Saudi Prince. Her life, which has no value except as property and a piece of flesh to rape, will never be the same.
Not long ago, ISIS had a pamphlet that explained what was acceptable for sex-slaves that had captured. One statement that demonstrates that this forced marriage of a child is not unique is found in the pamphlet. It said that, “It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse,”
The following page has the video about Prince Pedophile and his child bride.
Totally sick
These people are sick. They need to be abolished off the face of the earth
Anyone who would use a child in this way is a sorry, sorry, sorry excuse for a human being. They need to be punished big time.
I guess this is the direction that the Demobrats are forcing you to accept. Line em up or vote against them.
Poster or wanted picture for pedophilia.
Sick mans religion . Think WITH their Dicks. SAD and evil devil’s.
This is sickening.
Saudi Arabia, our allies. Slavery is still allowed. Child brides.
Damn freaks, and they are wanting to bring their asses here and make America a SHITHOLE!!!