Barack Obama may be more focused on building relations with the Muslim world than with the citizens of his own country, but it seems as if his outreach may be in vain. Not even American allies in the Middle East want to be seen with the toxic president, evidenced by the fact that the Saudi Arabian King refused to meet Obama at Air Force One during the president’s latest trip to the country.
Failure is no stranger to the Obama administration — of course — but this blunder seems particularly painful for the White House, given the amounts of time and effort they spent apologizing for American interference in the region. To Obama, fighting terror is apparently a reprehensible act.
Of course, that would explain Obama’s chumminess with Saudi Arabia. While the country continues to be accused of funding terror, Obama seems more than willing to ignore the issue and cave to their demands that he must.
Still, it hasn’t gained him any favor. To read the report of the runway snub, continue reading on the next page:
Can’t blame him
Why would he bother he knows Obama’s there to kiss his$#%&!@*anyway
The Cuban leader didn’t meet him at the airport when he went there recently…’d think Obama would catch on.
That’s about as shitty as not attending a supreme court justice’s funeral
Muslims consider everyone inferior! These muslims dont care about Jesus but just keep saying Jesus is a prophet. Period. Nothing else.
USA still supports Pakistan where the deadly man Osama bin laden was protected and hiding, till Osama was shot by US seals! Why does US keep supporting Pakistan a terrorist country by giving Big aids in billions and selling fighter planes!!?
Because of 9/11. Psy off they were in. On. it an our own was to do it is psy to keep their mouth shut.
Cause they know he a p***y
Traitor , you make me puke , nasty bastard !
Just leave the Muslim porch light on