Barack Obama may be more focused on building relations with the Muslim world than with the citizens of his own country, but it seems as if his outreach may be in vain. Not even American allies in the Middle East want to be seen with the toxic president, evidenced by the fact that the Saudi Arabian King refused to meet Obama at Air Force One during the president’s latest trip to the country.
Failure is no stranger to the Obama administration — of course — but this blunder seems particularly painful for the White House, given the amounts of time and effort they spent apologizing for American interference in the region. To Obama, fighting terror is apparently a reprehensible act.
Of course, that would explain Obama’s chumminess with Saudi Arabia. While the country continues to be accused of funding terror, Obama seems more than willing to ignore the issue and cave to their demands that he must.
Still, it hasn’t gained him any favor. To read the report of the runway snub, continue reading on the next page:
What does that tell you? Keep calling it ISIL when even the media is referring to it as ISIS. Grow a pair.
Trump will crush Hillary and make the greatest President the nation has ever seen. People forget that our nation was kidnapped 150 yrs ago when Abe Lincoln was murdered by the globalist..they took over our government and our money. The Globalists/ Bilderbergs are against Trump bc this means trouble for them….they cant control him.Trump wants to clean up Washington and give our nation back to “we the people” dont be apart of their evil plans…break away from their power and stand up w/ Trump and fight against them! Clinton’s, Bush’s ,Cruz and Kasich ..US Senate, Congress …etc. .are apart of this evil system….dont be fools and vote for them. Educate yourself and learn who the Globalists are and about their evil agenda! This is serious stuff!
Ha ha ha wish to hell they all did this 7 yrs ago !!!!! Dickhead wouldn’t have gotten a second term to$#%&!@*s**t up even worse
Someone will ice him after his term.
money doesnt always grant access!
it’s remind me Russian history- the same was during Mongol’s ruling in Russia- Tsar had to go to the Khan to ask permission to rule Russia and khan did not respect him.
Why should he? It’s not like Obama is anyone of importance anymore.
The Saudi king didn’t greet him because Obama is a Shiite and has professed allegiance to to Iran
He has established himself at a “lower” level, so he isn’t given the “honors”! Sad isn’t ti?