A lesson in Islamic justice: Ali Mohammed of Saudi Arabia was denied “access to lawyers.” Other evidence shows “he was tortured and forced to sign a document which was tantamount to a confession.”
That confession is the only evidence the court used to convict al-Nimr. Contrast and compare the Islamic legal system to our own on the next page:
Where’s all the “he should’ve not resisted arrest” people at!? Funny how you all bend over to Bush but think this is barbaric!? HAHAHA this is your tax dollars hard at work!
Why our prisons are over crowded and why it costs so much to run our prisons.
Let’s see if the president will step in and save this Christian boy. Somehow I doubt if he will.
And they are shipping them here they can’t get along with our constitution
Your right he was breaking the law, he is a Christian in a Muslim country . The sentence he will get by the way is death.
The religion of peace in action. Consider that libs want climate change deniers prosecuted because they don’t believe global warming. This is the path Obama has us on. Impeach
And he didn’t even make a “clock” !!!!!
That’s not Islamic justice, that’s kingdom justice. Tyrant justice.