When Saudi Arabia threatens to damage its own currency in order to stop a bill from moving forward in the US House of Representatives, people tend to notice.
Where there is smoke there’s fire and Saudi Arabia has a mushroom cloud of guilt billowing over it right now.
In 1976, President Gerald Ford signed The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act into law and until events following the September 11th attacks on the the World Trade Center, Americans have learned very little about this powerful act.
Essentially, The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act prevents US Courts from trying foreign governments.
This has become an issue when US leaders want to explore Saudi royal family members possibly funding terrorist networks.
The FBI and CIA have gone to great lengths to hide some information in the 9/11 Report and many are wondering what these two agencies are trying to conceal.
In the background of this cover-up, is the Saudi Arabian government raising a stink over some of their royal family members being investigated.
Please see the next page for details on the Saudi threats and the US desire for clarity.
yes, kings? i mentioned earlier that legally you are kings and can make that rules against all other claiming these are- when it comes to my end WHEN i am the one who said yes this is a king or a reborn of majesty or royalty or of distingushed character of long time ago- BELIEVE it is true- i didnt find them just by their names as you can see now? I alwasy come back of another proof and now I let see the pattern of which these kings I found and figured souns tru to what i just figured to all of you today- their ancestry and history has set a web in which these are carried through so I wont miss the check the evidence to prove my word that it is correct- there is a monarchy existing in the United States of America- in the rule of dynasty among its leaderships from the Whitehouse to the Military George H Bush To George W Bush George Casey Sr To George Casey Jr WillIam H Gates Sr To William Bill Gates III Douglas Fraser Sr To Douglas Fraser the younger among others! Ho now can you deny my word on how I found and figured these mighty ones? It did not take only names to prove these are it took events circumstances now and the past and the current trend moving around their patterns in their family lines of ancsetry and given endeavors. Hope now it is okay I say my word is holy and true and you shall hasten that in your side as well you believe that I am real and that you now will not play games with me where the price is shame and disappointment and frustration- enough is enough! stand up be for me I only have this lifetime that you can show me your respect if honor wealth and fame you cannot give me that is okay in as long even if not you dont care to see who I am personally RESPECT is all i ask of you!
let them do it. we can handle that. then give them some of their own medicine. they need us far more then we need them
yes, kings? i mentioned earlier that legally you are kings and can make that rules against all other claiming these are- when it comes to my end WHEN i am the one who said yes this is a king or a reborn of majesty or royalty or of distingushed character of long time ago- BELIEVE it is true- i didnt find them just by their names as you can see now? I always come back of another proof and now I let see the pattern of which these kings I found and figured sounds true to what i just figured to all of you today- their ancestry and history has set a web in which these are carried through so I wont miss when i get check the evidence myself to prove my word that it is correct- there is a monarchy existing in the United States of America- in the rule of dynasty among its leaderships from the Whitehouse to the Military George H Bush To George W Bush George Casey Sr To George Casey Jr WillIam H Gates Sr To William Bill Gates III Douglas Fraser Sr To Douglas Fraser the younger among others!How can you deny my word on how I found and figured these mighty ones? It did not take only names to prove then then for now these are figured to confirm my claim on them as took also dates and events and undeniable circumstances seen now and were noted in the past and the current trend moving around their patterns in their family lines of ancestry and given endeavors. Hope now it is okay I say my word is holy and true and you shall hasten that in your side as well you believe that I am real and that you now will not play games with me where the price is shame and disappointment and frustration to my end- enough is enough! stand up now try learn to be for me I only have this lifetime that you can show me your respect if honor wealth and fame you cannot give me back so keep it to your wives that is okay in as long even if not you dont care to see who I am personally RESPECT is all i ask of you!
The Saudi’s will be shooting themselves in the foot if they pull a bonehead play like that.
Then we pull back and let isis take Mecca then sent them to hell
Time for the truth.
Anyone involved in the murder and destruction on 9/11 including Americans need to be brought to justice!!
Well, then it looks like the 9/11 bill won’t pass….
Obama will apologize to the Saudies for suspecting them
So what…