In the 1980’s hysteria over Japanese investment and automobile imports was at an all-time high. Vitriol from laid off union auto workers was directed at the imported automobiles and the financial papers painted a picture of a Japanese buyout of America.
There was land speculation, commercial building acquisitions, farms purchased and even on Saturday morning cartoons… there were shows like Speed Racer and host of hyper-flashy “japanimation” programs.
The United States was bracing for a hostile takeover… and then nothing much happened. Japan lurched into their “lost decade” in the 1990’s and a monster depression wiped out much of their net worth.
America was saved, until now.
Now, the Saudi Arabians savvy land speculators have mastered a scheme so lucrative they can barely disguise their glee.
Union workers are worried, farmers feel cheated and the press is declaring that Saudi Arabia is buying up the American south-west
Please see the next page for Saudi Arabia’s reach into the continental United States.
i would not give them anything
They are buying up the mineral rites and now we must buy from them . it is already happened according to 60 minutes .
The Chinese and the Japanese are also buying up farm land. They have many people to feed. You should read about the Irish potato famine. There was plenty of food being grown in Ireland. The food was owned by the English. The Irish were allowed a small family plot to grow food for there families. Potatoes grew in a small space and furnished enough food to keep the Irish families alive. When the potato blight killed the potato plants, the Irish didn’t have enough food to live. Many, many people died from starvation, although food was plentiful. It was shipped to the owners families and stores. Many Irish came to this country In order to not starve to death. Our food will be shipped out.
The hay is shipped to the Arab countries to feed their livestock. Bottled water is owned by foreign countries and they are draining our water. Nestle/Ozarka water is being pumped out of E. Texas and other states. I lived close to the water pump in E. Texas. Truck load after truck load leaves every day .
No foreign country should be allowed to buy U.S. Soil. Own a business but not the soil its on
Real soon bubba!Got a feeling
That explains our current pollies putting American farmers out
Go patriot in Oregon!
I hope you’re right. We need it or this country is doomed.
Look up Agenda 21,and share the hell out of it!!No matter were you are being this global new world