When one Googles “human rights violations Saudi Arabia” the first website to come up is Human Rights Watch, which lists the 2015 World Report on violations in Saudi Arabia. Google it and see how antithetical human rights and Saudi Arabia are. Yet, in this world of up is down and wrong is right, Saudi Arabia, one of the worst offenders of human rights has named Mr Trad as the head of a five panel UN Human Rights Council. Page two will discuss more of this absurdity.
I bet obama’s crying right now for his sugar daddy .
This would be funny if it were not true !
It’s funny how you think this is stupid.. But you have no right to talk… Because america is almost just as bad
What a Big mistake but what do you expect from the U.N. they are mostly Socialist,Communist, Islamic….and they know nothing about “Human Rights for Humanity”
NO UN!!!
It’s gonna happen. Obozo is bring in over 2hundred thousand “refugees” to America. the’re gonna bring fear to Americans and then total take over
Yet again showing why the UN is a joke and we need to get them out of our country.
Obama is hoping for an uprising in America against all this craziness going on in our Gov’t….then he can call for Marshal law and stay in the White House as a Dictator n chief….and put us all away in fema camps while he allows Islam to take over our Nation.