Selecting Saudi Arabia as a nation to champion human rights is about as absurd as it gets. But not quite. In fact, if it were not so offensive, you’d think it was a sick joke.
Yet there is a way to exceed that offense — choose them to champion women’s rights. And it would take an organization filled with numbskulls to pull off a stunt like that. Of course, just such an organization exists — the United Nations.
What could these people possibly be thinking?
Of course, the U.N. frequently makes awful decisions when it comes to placing nations on commissions that allege to exist to benefit humanity. Putting Cuba on such a commission would be an excellent example of awful judgement.
Yet this act of legitimizing a repressive regime such as Saudi Arabia is to take things to a new low, something that’s quite an accomplishment for the U.N.
More on page two.
Biding their time until OW and only Islam as law!
It would be great if there were any women on that Saudi commission on women’s rights. Not gonna happen, I’m guessing. Where are the Right On Women’s Libbers on this?
That’s like giving a bank robber the key to the bank
Fox guarding the henhouse
It’d be a JOKE if it weren’t so sad. Woman have no rights in Muslim countries. This just shows how CORRUPT the UN IS.
Putting the fox in charge of the hen house…wtf…..
Chip at that constitution.
Doesn’t matter their NEVER going to STOP, NO ONE Is going to STOP them and JUSTICE Will NEVER BE DONE!
They treat women like$#%&!@*!! This is funny
Screw islam