Saudi Arabia is not only a center of religious intolerance. It also is an example of the repression of women. So, the United Nations put them on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. You can work out the analogies that fit yourself, such as appointing Jack the Ripper to oversee a women’s shelter.
This is to pile one offense on top of another as the Saudis have already served on the Commission on Human Rights.
Let’s be sure we understand what’s going on here.
The Gulf state became the 45th country to sit on the UN panel tasked with promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women across the globe.
And the reaction?
UN Watch, a nongovernmental watchdog that monitors the United Nations, called the election “absurd.”
We can add to that. It’s not just “absurd,” it’s offensive — or worse. And it illustrates not only the utter worthlessness of the U.N., but the danger it presents to the world.
With the sort of leadership the U.N. has that makes such decisions, it must be purely accidental when the organization blunders into doing something that actually benefits humanity.
Need a refresher on the attitude toward women taken by this newest member of the this council?
“Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian who makes all critical decisions on her behalf, controlling a woman’s life from her birth until death,” Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, said in a statement released Saturday. “Saudi Arabia also bans women from driving cars.”
Speaking of appropriate analogies, here’s another good one:
“Electing Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” Neuer continued.
Well, at least the U.N. is consistent. Consistently absurd, offensive, and useless. You might get us to admit the possibility that some of those who thought this monstrosity up might have had a good intention or two. But it hasn’t worked out.
If the Saudis had their way, women’s wouldn’t just be disenfranchised and demeaned. They’d be slaves.
By the way, where are the liberals condemning the U.N. for this act?
Source: Washington Free Beacon
F**K THE U.N. !!!