You do not use the children of your opponents as vehicles for your attacks. You especially do no do this if those children are minors. To do so is to engage in conduct that is just despicable. It does not matter if that child’s name is Sasha or Barron. You don’t go there.
Unfortunately, there are those leftists who are so overcome with anger over the victory of Donald Trump, that they looking for anything they can use to attack the man. In so doing, they not only demonstrate that they are fresh out of intellectual ammunition, but that they are willing to dive into the gutter to find or invent something, anything, they can use to attack Mr. Trump.
Being part of Hollywood or achieving celebrity status does not insulate one from using such tactics. In fact, it seems to encourage it. More on page two.
Do day have kids
That’s a sorry bunch of folks
The ONLY thing these protesters, Actors, Writers etc. are accomplishing is making sure that Mr Trump gets re-elected in 4 years, and quite possibly that the Dems never have another President! … and I thank them from the bottom of my heart!
He’s a cutie!
Despicable….tell me again how you are anti bully, social justice and equality..
The devil has his hands in every thing that is libral and evil.
SNL started their Season making Fun of Trump… it has gone on and on…. I turned it off after the first attack…. have not watched it since! I no longer watch any of the late night talk shows! They ALL have spent their time trashing our President (more than any president in history)I would rather watch paint dry! I will not watch another awards show! These self absorbed, out of touch celebrities will never make another dime off of me!!! I will not watch any news source that does not accurately report the news! Ever! I have my home, my family, my faith, a job! Many wonderful and interesting hobbies to occupy my time! Most Television, & about all of Hollywood are irrelevant to those of us who elected Trump! My rights are as intact today as they will be tomorrow! No need to take off my shirt and March around D.C. and shout obscene words and vile remarks to make me feel like a wonderful successful woman. And as far as I am concede if you feel you need to attack a 10 year old boy for gain…. please go jump off a ledge! This is the lowest of the low!
Dubie Willard. And you will always be a cold hearted$#%&!@*
SNL is done. Protect all kids. Barron is a 10 year old boy. He does not deserve any of this. Kids are off limits.