Satanic Temple “Targets” Bible Belt Elementary Schools With “After-School Satan Club”

The Satanic Temple has announced that it plans on “targeting” school systems across the United States, particularly those within the so-called Bible Belt, by introducing a new school club called “After-School Satan Club.”  Its stated purpose for this introduction is to combat the spread of the sickness called Christianity, where many of these schools have what are known as “Good News Clubs,” centering on the Gospels in the Christian Bible.

Created by the Satanic Temple, the organizaton is seeking school district approval at public grade schools in Atlanta, Detroit, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Tacoma, Washington, Salt Lake City, Tucson, Arizona, Los Angeles and the Lone Star State. Cities in Texas inclulde San Carcos, San Antonio and Austin.

Satanic Temple member Jeremy Galloway, says the clubs have nothing to do with the devil or religion at all.

“There’s no red guy with horns and a pitchfork,” said Jeremy Galloway, an Austin Satanic Temple member

Despite the logo of the group, a cartoonish devil with horns holding a crayon, Galloway said parents should look past the name before making any irrational judgment.

“Satan’s involved because it’s coming from our temple, the Temple of Satan, and we identify as Satanists,” he said. “We don’t feel any particular shame for the name that we use. Some people find the name a bit jarring, but when you actually look into the tenants of the Satanic Temple, there’s nothing scary at all.”

San Marcos chapter leader Lanzifer Longinus said Satan is just a metaphor.

“Satan, to start with, is a fictional character. He really represents, to us, the spirit of independent, critical thinking, free thought. The spirit against arbitrary authority,” he said.

The so-called “tenets” of the Temple are as follows:

The Satanic Temple’s Guidelines for Effective Protest

1. Protest is an act of free speech, and protesters must respect free speech

2. Have a clearly articulated position with tenable demands and a practical well-defined statement for what constitutes achieving your goals

3. Effective protest is founded on a legitimate theory of change that is exemplified by the structure of IF I do X, THEN Y will happen BECAUSE Z.

4. Protest must be based on a principle as opposed to identity politics. Everyone benefits from the pursuit of well-conceived principles

5. Stay focused on specific issues and do not adopt issues that you think are analogously related

6. Stand for issues and principles – do not reflexively support the entire agenda of parties, organizations, or individuals

7. Do not allow narratives to prevail over facts

8. Restrict your movement to people who believe in the principles of your movement

9. If your protest calls for the deprivation of rights and liberties of others, intimidates others,
harasses or threatens others, silences others, then you are an enemy of freedom no matter what the justification

10. Engaging in, promoting, inciting, and/or celebrating physical violence that deliberately targets civilians is never justifiable

In essence, this is a Leftist-oriented political group that has chosen a very controversial name for its organization, but that which takes broad, vague and all-inclusive language to appear intellectually-driven and scientifically sterile. Peeling away the layers however begin to reveal the truth of this group and its intentions toward the general populace.

Let’s take the choice of its original location, from which sprang all its chapters around the country and in some foreign cities. The first Satanic Temple appeared in Salem, Massachusetts. Many people immediately associate the city of Salem as the historical birthplace of the infamous Witch Trials of the 1600s, where many innocent people were accused, imprisoned, and some even put to death over false charges of witchcraft. If you’ve ever been to the small village, it is to Liberal occultists what Disney World is to the family unit.

What many do not know is that the place where tens of thousands of tourists flock to every year to get a glimpse of the Witch Dungeons and the House of the Seven Gables and Lizzie Borden’s Homestead is that the famed Witch Trials didn’t take place in Salem. In fact, they took place miles up the road in a small town called Danvers. The small village of Danvers actually changed its name from Salem Village to Danvers back in the 1800s in order to bury the stigma of the trials forever. On a trip there in the 1990s, I discovered that many of the people who reside in Danvers today are actual descendants of both the accusers and the victims. They are quiet about their past and do not advertise places of interest to history seekers like me. I had to inquire with several different people to get a clue where to go. I discovered a Fire Chief who was a direct descendant of Rebecca Nurse who pointed me in the right direction. I visited areas where the gallows had once been, as well as the house of Reverend Samuel Parris, the home of the first young accuser, Betty Parris.

The only indication that there was anything that ever occurred there was a small monument on the side of the road that had pairs of shackles attached to it and a short declaration of the trials, including a reference to the Parris home across the street. That was it.

Modern Salem, however, is a place of myth, occultism, and paganism, much like New Orleans or New Hope in Pennsylvania. Its entire economy derives from an event that occurred nearly 300+ years before in a place that is miles away. It conveniently forgets to mention these facts to its many tourists. In addition, it continues to move famous homes with ghoulish pasts to the village in order to capitalize on their fame, as is the case with their most recent acquisition, the Lizzie Borden Homestead.

What this boils down to is the fact that The Satanic Temple originated in this village, a testament to its historical value and seriousness of being factually accurate. It is living on the reputation of a lie. They even have an art gallery set up in the village as a supplement to their income in order to shore up flagging donations.

Another strange issue arises when one looks at its political involvement. This is a group solely bent on social justice type movements and causes, crusading across the country for any Leftist protest that involves Christianity. They are specifically targeting those schools that have some sort of club dealing with the Bible. This is a purposeful all-out assault on Christianity. It does not target schools with an Islamic club, or a Hindi or Buddhist club. This is an agenda to damage a specific group of people.

Their background, especially that which originates in the Detroit and Los Angeles areas has the hallmarks of the Black Liberation Theology that is prevalent in many modern incarnations of Leftist organizations, specifically rallying against Rightwing causes. Even its political candidates espouse very similar ideology to the BLT churches, which says to me that this is merely another devious attempt at obfuscating Socialist involvement in the undermining of a free society at large.

The lawsuit by this group will go forward to try to force the hands of local governments to accept these clubs on their behalf, and they will probably be successful in a few or more of these targeted states and school systems. That doesn’t change the fact that the underlying reasons for these lawsuits is silencing the voice of Christians and forcing the First Amendment into a very small corner. Dangerous in every way possible.

Here is The Satanic Temple’s ‘Troll’ Video:

Source: KTBS News / The Satanic Temple






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