Democrats mocked vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin during the 2008 election for her warnings about some of the dire possibilities if Barack Obama was elected president. But she was right when she spoke at a rally in Findlay Ohio, where she said then-Senator Obama’s indecision and moral equivalence would encourage Russian president Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. She said:
After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.
Recent events show how right Palin’s prediction was, as Russia prepares to send troops into Ukraine
[Editor of Politico magazine] Hounshell wrote then that Palin’s comments were “strange” and “this is an extremely far-fetched scenario.”“And given how Russia has been able to unsettle Ukraine’s pro-Western government without firing a shot, I don’t see why violence would be necessary to bring Kiev to heel,” Hounshell dismissively wrote.
Palin made her remarks on the stump after Obama’s running mate Joe Biden warned Obama supporters to “gird your loins” if Obama is elected because international leaders may test or try to take advantage of him.
Source: Breitbart
Photo: Gage Skidmore on Flickr
You can blame the “liberal media” for assassinating Elvis if you’d like, but pointing fingers won’t solve anything and it certainly won’t make it true.
Damn she called it
noones laughing now.because hes shown his goals to weaken and destroy america by any means possible,setting us up by changing weakening laws,medicine,borders and even military..hes a communist traitor and needs to be sentenced to max penalty for treason and all his orders need to b reversed immediately to protect and begin healing the damage hes deliberately caused ..congress u spineless bastards do ur jobs
I am laughing now. At how ridiculous, and frankly, lazy, your opiniins are. Taking yourself seriously is a good touch! Comedic gold.
I can see Russia from here!
what foreign policy experience does she have?
At least Palin has more foresight than you ever dreamed of having
Her experience as senator is much more advanced than the $#%&!@* of a President to whomever voted him into office when all he did was stand by a poll in congress when they were voting..
the illuminati they are always laughing since they control all the puppets be awake!
Sarah was absolutely Correct !!
The Ukraine is and example of what we have to look forward to before Obummer is out of office. If WE THE PEOPLE can even get him out.
yes, you are absolutely right