A pencil box is usually pretty easy to recognize. When a pencil box takes on the look a bomb, then one should be concerned! Obviously! What parent gives an okay to such a device without thinking about the ramifications of taking a threatening looking item to school? Or is Ahmed Muhammad’s family sitting around sipping tea and enjoying their notoriety?
Governor Palin has some words for Obama getting involved in such a situation. It is not Presidential and should not concern him. Read more about Palin’s opinions on page 2.
the next time we hear about the boy he will be the next suicide bomber
He wouldn’t have invited Jewish boy ..that’s for sure
Obama is not mentally fit to have any power in our Democracy. PEACE
We live in a time when kids are being suspended (if not expelled) from school for making the shape of a gun with their hand/fingers…they call it “zero-tolerance”. Why was the clock/bomb prank any different? I think the school had a right to be concerned and was justified in their actions for putting the safety of the other students first.
If I would have the same clock in a carry-on bag at the airport, I bet I would be taken to a back room and receive an interesting interrogation.
daddy is a muslim activist!
Another one of those coincidences. They have at least one a week
Timers for IED Clock suitcase bomb our pressure cooker as I said they teach bomb making to their kids. This is the important part the timer just plug in the detonator and plastics is the easy part.
Look why is it that this Muslim kid built the timer for an IED. This isn’t the clock a normal red blooded child would build to simulate a suitcase bomb and used in a pressure cooker. This isn’t Islamophobia. Why President Obama? Trying too promote this as Islamophobia must be too weaken safety and security by putting doubt in public / peoples mind and question their self on security safety. this is a child that love you so much that he wants to mount you head on his wall. American don’t seem to understand this because they don’t seem too have loyalty to anything. Muslims are thought too hate to the bone too kill you their first words are kill infidels it is that bed. (until American truly understand this their never going to be safe from radical Islam terrorist…..
in 1801 MUSLIM AMBASSADOR ABD AL-RAHMAN Statement from Quran: ((((((((“it was written in the Qur’an, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged the authority of Muhammad were sinners, that it was the right and duty of every Muslim to make war upon non-Muslims they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Muslim who should be slain in battle was believed to go to Paradise.”)))))))
The little terrorist in training did his test run, and now the real terrorists know how America will react. Of course barack osama brought the little f**e bomb maker to the White House.
Had the kid been white they would never have arrested him.
Prove it you lying instigator. Your lies make you feel good but everyone besides this pink Assholio think you are stupid