The House rejected a resolution to approve the Iran nuclear deal this week, with the vote underscoring how controversial the accord has been with President Obama’s own party.
Most Democrats voted for the nuclear bomb approval bill; 25 did vote against it, creating a wedge that Republicans hope to use to their advantage in the 2016 elections.
More on how the GOP hopes to stop this insanity on the next page:
This means nothing.
As I’m sure Curtiss gets all his info from Fox news, he must be super informed and knowledgeable about this and everything else in the world, right? Try being open minded instead of hostile toward those whose thoughts differ from yours. What a joke.
Thank you God
What s the catch?
Roger that! Now, there’s a deal! Kerry always was a shrewd negotiator!
It’s insane to keep making enemies
It’s mature to build bridges wherever we can
the old story of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer is true to a point. When you are living with the enemy and share family, your persecptive becomes clouded. Plus the benefit of releasing billions of dollars to your enemies is very questionable. Like old food. this just stinks.
And you get yours from ABC? NBC? MSNBC? CNN? Actually, I’ve worked with and still have friends in government. And in the military. I’m more informed than the average Joe. Studied history and am aware of the repe$#%&!@*ion and do not want to be doomed to repeat it.
Look up the word caliphate. Study the Quran a bit. Convert or die. I’ve served to protect this country from things such as this. I’ve learned to NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY! A joke? Hardly.
Sine die.
Gary J. Curtiss, SN
Erich 81X2
DaNang, Vietnam ’67-’68