The House rejected a resolution to approve the Iran nuclear deal this week, with the vote underscoring how controversial the accord has been with President Obama’s own party.
Most Democrats voted for the nuclear bomb approval bill; 25 did vote against it, creating a wedge that Republicans hope to use to their advantage in the 2016 elections.
More on how the GOP hopes to stop this insanity on the next page:
Iran deal is bad and Obama is worse than the Iran deal!
The chosen people, the Jews also believe you do not have to be Jewish in order to be saved.
Obama seems to get what he seems demonic if you ask me.
Obama is muslim. Impeach Obama.
so now start recall pe$#%&!@*ions against all Traitors here to show we have had enough of their BS now
It’s all a show. Somehow it will get p$#%&!@*ed and Israel wants too. Well at least the bankers do. It’s about getting Irans oil on the dollar and Israel wants it to have a reason to attack Iran( like its been planned) to set off WW3
And Obama is letting 11milion illegal Syrians of firm Muslim belief of jahadism into the United states with open arms and unidentified isis leaders are amongst the imigration into the US. Sure hope both you get America to surrender our guns.
Ok get ready for a war. It would be Isreal and Iran.
At last the House has shone some guts an voted for what the AMERICAN people want
I wonder?