Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Things that make you go HUMM !
sounds about right.
As a conspiracy buff… I would love to hear more…
Dead Men Tell No Tales
One has to wonder just how many “school shootings” were really engineered to promote gun control
No lawsuits against his multimillion father ???
Do you think all of those policemen in FergusomF FergusonF could be 1) fully willing to carry out your proposed conspiracy, and 2) able to keep that a secret without leaking to anyone? Please…. There’s a sale in tin foil today. Stock up.
sure is convenient