Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated โSandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
he found out it was a set up.
wow America is finaly wakeing up, all know it s was rigged. so was the mass.bombing’s all rigged,just to disarm you americans.they can’t control you unless they have your guns.just like hitler.
The entire government is corrupt.
disappointed says:
“We have gound out that a lot of people who lost children got paid and it was hushed up. Why? What was the reason for giving all these families money? They are also quiet about it and are not talking about it at all. This is suspect with a man officer dying under weird circumstances when he was such a young person. I wish obama and his corrupt friends in DC and administration were so concerned about the children being beheaded, starving, dying, chased out of their homes and now homeless because of the ISIS group obama could have easily destroyed before they got started. He is also more concerned about illegal children (most are 14-17 young men who often are MS13 gang members and have already killed or tortured others) than he is our children who now will lose services, special tutoring when they get behind….. This administration needs to get their priorities straight. They need to care about our children here like he said he did about Sandy Hook. Stories are not as creditable as they once were.”
We have gound out that a lot of people who lost children got paid and it was hushed up. Why? What was the reason for giving all these families money? They are also quiet about it and are not talking about it at all. This is suspect with a man officer dying under weird circumstances when he was such a young person. I wish obama and his corrupt friends in DC and administration were so concerned about the children being beheaded, starving, dying, chased out of their homes and now homeless because of the ISIS group obama could have easily destroyed before they got started. He is also more concerned about illegal children (most are 14-17 young men who often are MS13 gang members and have already killed or tortured others) than he is our children who now will lose services, special tutoring when they get behind….. This administration needs to get their priorities straight. They need to care about our children here like he said he did about Sandy Hook. Stories are not as creditable as they once were.
obama, feinstein and others will do ANYTHING to disarm the American people. Politicians prefer their peasants unarmed. ๐ DO NOT REGISTER, and do not give them up. ๐ You are at their mercy if you do. ๐
Get that lying muslim terrorist traitor out of the whitehouse. He provides arms to muslim terrorists, but he wants to take yours away. GUESS WHY!!! WAKE UP.
can’t get rid of the anti-Christ…heard Obama might be him?
and once again, Washington corruption at it’s best. Open your eyes people, you are about to get the biggest ass whoopin you can ever imagine , and it’s from your biggest enemy..our own government ! Oust these corrupt son’s of bitches NOW !