Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Reminiscent of Breitbart’s sudden death! Could this be another case of “The Chicago Way?”
Harrison Malc youre fkn stupid….Obama and others have already admitted it was a hoax. Know what youre talking about b4 you insult an entire thread of ppl
This is $#%&!@*ing retarded.
Daniel Brancheau you’re proof that Conspiracy nuts will believe anything. Obama admitted it was a hoax? Get back on your meds.
It’s easier for simpletons to believe it’s a hoax than admit one madman can cause so much destruction in minutes, and kill himself therefore getting away with murdering babies scot free.
It is far easier to believe all you are spoon fed by the media rather than face the fact that there are holes big enough to lose one’s self in with just this story (SH). Pity the fool that decides to defend a story without one shred of evidence that it occurred.
Absolutely… It is much harder to admit that the people in charge of our very existence are indeed this illogical. People like to think logically, but we know there are plenty of illogical things happening within the government. It’s easier to say there is nobody behind the wheel. This means it’s out of control. Out of our reach. There is no conscious human behind these events. I understand that they are just doing these things for money, like polluting our earth. They are unaware of the effects on the environment. At this point though, there is no way they don’t know. They just don’t care, and want their wallets to stay fat. At this point, they are conscious of it and most definitely behind the wheel.
Lol Paul close is a clown!
If you think the government wouldnt stage a major event like this then you need to look up “operation northwoods” when you read it remember they didnt have digital technology then.
Brandon Sibcy King Tutt
so if he was secretly killed in the hospital, don’t you think they would’ve had a better story for what killed him? Nick Charcholla, i dont think it’d be released that he died of “unknown circumstances “. the government would do better than that, i’d hope.
It sounds like something Obama would do.