Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
If you get too close to the truth, you die suddenly from undisclosed causes… or get sent to a VA hospital to suffer severely.
If you are a threat to them you will die and they will pay for the cover up they want or the next person will die. SCARY isn’t it!
Another innocent person murdered…………when will this stop
It TOTALLY rang untrue to me as well, and as I was investigating it, I looked up some of the properties in that area- there were many, many properties at that area that, for Christmas, BEFORE the shooting, had their mortgages paid off! Poof!~ like magic… I could NOT believe my eyes!
Autopsy! Autopsy! Autopsy! That is just another of this administrations SUDDEN MYSTERIOUS DEATH???????
Diane Marx read this. I told you. Crazy $#%&!@*.
Carlos Quinones
While I markedly dislike Obama, and while I have seen too many creepy things about Sandy Hook to believe its real, I must say that, as an RN, who worked for years on med-surg, any time a person undergoes surgery, there are inherent risks that accompany ANY surgery- the toughest cases are in a hospital, otherwise in a surgery center, usually, and they have so many risks of death that it isn’t funny. Blood clots, bad reaction to the meds, or the IV fluids, the infection, the risk of a dumb doc (yes, there really are lots of them) meds from China, bleeding out (even internally) shock, etc, etc. While it could be just one more of Obama’s hits, it could also be from surgery. As far as Sandy Hook goes, I was investigating it at one time, and noted, when I was looking up properties there, that many, many of the addresses in that area ALL had their mortgages suddenly paid OFF- (before the shooting). That looked REALLY suspicious to me. I mean MANY of them! WHY? It was around Christmastime. WHO popped their head up and paid off these people’s mortgages for them?
He uncovered something obama didn’t want known
Jim Hollis: I liked what you had to say. There is one other item, in the Oath of Enlistment, which says “… That I will defend this Country, from all enemies, foreign and domestic…”. Even though I am retired, from the USAF, I feel that I am still held responsible for the Oath I swore. I am praying that more of us will remember that Oath … and take the appropriate action. ‘Nuff said.